Data and Dashboard Definitions

Data Source

Data come from electronic health records (EHRs) at participating health systems in the Consortium. 


COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 tests include PCR tests only, excluding antibody tests. Tests are included when they are recorded as part of a health systems EHR at the person-week level. If someone has multiple tests in a week, data are collapsed to mark whether the patient was tested and whether they were positive. 

Flu Tests

Flu tests include both influenza A and B tests and are reported at the person-week level. A test is considered positive if either influenza A and/or B is positive. If someone has multiple tests in a week, data are collapsed to mark whether the patient was tested and whether they tested positive. 

RSV Tests

RSV tests include tests for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) reported at the person-week level. If someone has multiple tests in a week, data are collapsed to mark whether the patient was tested and whether they tested positive. 


Total tests for the selected viral illness at the person-week level. Multiple tests for an individual in the same week are counted as a single test. 

Positivity Rate

The positivity rate is calculated by dividing the number of positive tests by the total number of tests. 

Positive Tests

Positive tests for the selected viral illness at the person-week level. If an individual tests positive for a selected viral illness one or more times in a given week, then a single positive test is counted. 


Tests are the total number of tests performed as recorded in a health system's EHR. 


Seasons are based on epidemiological influenza seasons, starting on MMWR week 40 (early October.) 

Average Weekly Tests

Average Weekly tests are the average number of tests per week in the range specified on the dashboard page. 

Average Weekly Positive Tests

Average Weekly Positive Tests are the average number of positive tests per week in the range specified on the dashboard page. 



Age is calculated as of the test date. 


Sex represents the sex of the individual as reported in the electronic health record. 


Race is collapsed with Hispanic ethnicity. If someone identifies as Hispanic, then they are listed as Hispanic. If they do not identify as Hispanic, then their first reported race is listed. 


Geography is based on the last reported address of the patient. 


Data represent encounters recorded by participating healthcare systems and may not include activities conducted outside of participating healthcare systems. While participating healthcare systems account for more than 90 percent of Minnesota residents, at-home tests and healthcare encounters occurring outside of participating healthcare systems are not included. For privacy reseasons all values fewer than 15 are censored in this report and all values have been rounded to the nearest five. 

Data Privacy

All data contained in this Power BI report is de-identified, summary data and is in compliance will all applicable state and federal regulations. 


For more information, contact the Minnesota Health Record Consortium at